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Was it rain?

It has been long since I wrote something so I thought why not give myself a head start with some of the important lessons I learned while staying in Germany for almost 4 months. It was not as easy as I thought it would be honest to God!!

This lesson is special to me as it happened recently, I understood how badly bad luck has been playing with me and also because it showed me how stupid I can be sometimes! huh! :(

So I was a bit frustrated with all the staying at home and just gaining weight due to COVID. I thought let me spice things up!! And instead of making the sane and smart decision of staying home and exercising, I decided to go for a walk! OH YEAH!!

I brushed my hair, wore boots, put on a coat (note that I had a detachable hoodie to it and I decided very calmly to detach it), and strutted out into the world in full bliss. As soon as I exited the gate I saw that it was slightly drizzling, and again I decided against all odds to keep moving rather than going back and attaching the stupid hoodie.

A few kilometres in, I began to breathe in the rain mixed air and was getting comfortable with headphones in my ears when suddenly there was loud noise all around me and I felt something poking on my head. I lifted my head and there it was!! A perfect mini hailstorm hitting the ground very hard. I was in the middle of the road, I had no place to hide because HELLO there are no leaves on trees during winter.

I saw the nearest bus stop to go back home but the only way I could reach home was if I walked at least 1.3km. Haha.. the heights of stupidity I say! I bravely decided that I wanted to walk (I repeat bravely because seemed like it at that point)! I walked for 1.3km, took the bus totally drenching in the hailstorm and finally got down at my stop, and again walked home. When I saw myself in the reflection of my front door, I could see that my hands were red, my head was numb, my coat was wet and my boots were dirty. I got in, I removed my coat, threw a towel on my head, changed into warm clothes and sat on the bed for a few minutes thinking about what just happened!

So guys, if you ever go out in Germany in the winters, take a coat with a hoodie or at least carry an umbrella(It doesn't stand a chance, but something is better than nothing right :P)!


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