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Writer's pictureSai Pranavi


If someone asks you what your hobbies are.. What would you tell them? Do you go on about whatever you do in daily life like sleeping, watching TV, eating etc or do you specifically pinpoint things that are different from your professional life but enjoy doing? These days people play loose and fast with the word hobby. Since it is a matter of putting them in the resume to look cool or to not look like a person with no hobbies they try to pass on random tasks of day to day life as a hobby. But, in reality it is something that is done constantly and consistently irrespective of doing it alone or in a group, making time or having time, paid or unpaid. Reading a novel, going trekking, writing stories or articles or poems, posting videos on YouTube, posting on Instagram or Facebook, travelling to new places, cooking new recipes, painting, playing video games, farming, fishing, playing musical instruments.. all of these are hobbies. Doesn't matter if they are done once a year, month, week or even day. A hobby can not only make you interesting but also lets you enjoy your own company. It shapes your personality, mentality and even your physical structure. In the 24 hour format of a day your professional life, sleep and relationships consume 3/4th part of the time. The remaining time is for you to invest in yourself and you alone. Utilize that time, to become the person you would want to be when you retire. Do you imagine yourself at an age that feels old to you, watching TV and eating out of a take out container or do you see yourself cooking for your partner or telling them stories you have read or the adventures you have had or playing an instrument for them while having dinner? What you will be tomorrow is just an advanced version of what you are today. And who knows when that secondary interest may become a primary source of income? Worth a shot right? May you make every moment count.

What you will be tomorrow is just an advanced version of what you are today.
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